Saturday, September 7, 2019

Marketing across culture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Marketing across culture - Essay Example Some segment markets may place importance on such color which is why Denon has to adapt. For example, in China and some eastern culture, the color of gold has favorable association unlike in the west where it is perceived as inappropriate for audio components. Warranties are also limited as a marketing strategy in some market to lower the price of the product to make it competitive in a price sensitive market. This could however pose issue in the long run because of the limited coverage of after sales support. What Denon could do is to improve its process to make it more efficient and relocate to regions where overheads are lower. The saved cost could be translated to lower prices without compromising the warranties of its products. 2 What are the problems you are likely to encounter with the distribution of your products in: China, Japan, and India? Which country poses the biggest problem? Explain your answer. The problems that will encountered in distributing products will depend o n the market it is being distributed. In China, there are two main problems that a distributor or manufacturer will encounter which is the attempt to counterfeit Denon and the competition against cheaper counterfeit or mediocre products. In Japan, it would be the intense competition because Japan is basically home to the best brands in electronics such as Sony. In India, it would be the channels of distribution because despite of its relatively progressive economy, India’s retail sector is still catching up. 3 Many products fulfill both a functional need as well as a social need. When deciding how much to adapt an existing product for a new foreign market, which type of need should a marketer focus on? Explain your answer. There is a marketing cliche that when one markets a product we should â€Å"sell the sizzle and not the meat†. In the same manner that a product should be marketed that instead of highlighting its features and functions, a marketer can instead capita lize on its â€Å"benefits†. We can cite for example the hotel industry where rooms and amenities are almost the same. Hotels like Hilton however market the experience of staying in their hotels instead of selling occupancy of their rooms. 4 Comparing a supermarket in Tokyo, Japan with one in Dallas, Texas, which of the two is likely to have higher sales of snacks and sweets (Items usually found near the cash register at the checkout)? Explain your answer using the most relevant cultural dimension. Japanese as a people is only beginning to catch up with the cultural value of the west in terms of snacking. They are also not as impulsive when they buy products such as snacks and sweets and tend to scrutinize brands and packages before making a purchase. To market snacks and sweets in Japan, it has to be placed in an aisle designated for such under a recognizable brand name. In Dallas, Texas however, it works well for sweets and snacks to be placed near the cash register where c onsumers can readily add it up to their purchases as an afterthought. American consumers are known to be more impulsive compared to their counterparts in Japan. 5 A multinational corporation has the choice of following either a financial integration philosophy or a financial independence philosophy. In the long term, which choice should result in a firm having more subsidiaries around the world? Explain your ans

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