Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Business Research Methodologies Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Business Research Methodologies - Coursework Example Research Methodology Various tools will be used to collect the extensive sets of relevant data that are required to proceed with the study. The two forms of research are primary and secondary research, where primary is based on questionnaire; interviews and secondary research is based on reports which are already made available through books, articles and internet (Goddard & Melville, 2004, p. 3-4). Research design A research design encompasses procedures and methodologies that are employed to conduct research. The research design defines the type of study: such as descriptive, experimental, semi experimental, correlation and others. Research design is also considered as a systematic and scientific search for precise information on a particular topic. One of the primary reasons for research is to find out the truth which was not revealed in due course of time. Each research has its own objectives and purposes, but in general the key objective of conducting research is to gain new ins ight and is also referred to as exploratory research. In addition, other forms of research are descriptive research, diagnostic research and to test the casual relationship which are conducted in the process of hypothesis testing (Kothari, 2008, p.2).Research design with regards to the study of management style of the supervisors to evaluate the performance of employees at Curry’s PC world is as follows: Research Philosophy: The research philosophy adopted is realism. The realism theory of philosophy was adopted because of its independent nature and is quite similar to positivism and tends to assume a scientific approach. It is mainly used because it underpins the collection of data and thereby understanding the gathered information (Collins, 2010, p.38). Research Approach: The research approach chosen for the study is inductive research approach. Here initial few observations are made and then it moves to broader theories and generalizations. It is also sometimes called the â€Å"bottom up approach.† Conclusions are usually based on premises and also tend to involve certain degree of uncertainty. Reasons for using such approach is that the researcher will be able to draw many approaches on his own as per the convenience of the study and meet with the challenges of the world (Anderson, 2004, p.103). Research strategy: Research strategy is referred to as decision about the tactics of data collection for a given study (Walsh & Wigens, 2003, p.70). The research strategy chosen for the study is through survey approach and case study analysis. Data collection methods: Data will be collected mainly through primary and secondary sources. Primary research will take into consideration the qualitative and quantitative approach. In case of primary research, data will be collected through questionnaires and interviews. For secondary approach, case study analysis will be taken into consideration to analyze the impact of supervisors on the performance of the e mployees at Curry’s PC World. Sampling method is of two types: probability sampling and non probability sampling methods. The study will take into consideration the probability sampling method also known as random sampling (Kothari, 2009, p.60). The study will adopt the simple random sampling technique, in order to gather data for the questionnaire and thereby analyze the result. For the survey, the target group will be the employees of Curry’

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